Forever My Father
Watch the above clip with Kate Patterson.
Group Questions
Read Luke 15: 11-31
Do I identify with either of the two sons?
Am I safely home with God?
Can I hear the Father say to me, “You are my beloved child and everything I have is yours?”
Read Romans 8:15 How does living as beloved children set us free from fear?
What could I do to remind myself to come to God with this as the starting point - I am a beloved child?
Watch this clip with Johnny Patterson:
We are forever loved, adopted as God’s own, forever welcomed home
Does what Johnny says resonate with you? Do you swing between being arrogant or feeling like an imposter?
What does it look like to live life with both the humility of the prodigal welcomed home and the security of a prince or princess?
Read 1 John 3:1
How great is the love that the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God. And that is what we are!
What examples do you have of God’s lavish love in your life?
Turning to praise: What is your praise point from this session?
Bless one another: If an earthly father gives good gifts, how much more will your Father in heaven give you his Holy Spirit. (Matthew 7:11).
Ask your Father to pour out the Spirit of adoption upon you as a group.
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