Kate PattersonComment

In the waiting room

Kate PattersonComment
In the waiting room

How much time do we spend in waiting rooms? I know dear friends waiting for a job, a life partner, a longed for baby - the list goes on. We’re all waiting to see the end of the Covid piece of string.

I’m waiting for a hospital appointment, for my Achilles to mend, my frozen shoulder to thaw, my housing to be settled and for the day when all tears are finally wiped away.

What do we do while we wait?

King David was waiting to overcome his enemies and he responded like this - “My heart says, “Seek his face - your face, Lord I will seek” . He turned his waiting to seeking and found bright comfort, “I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!”

I’ve found that as my attention shifts from desperately waiting for THAT thing, whatever it is, to God himself, his goodness breaks into the present. Not that he doesn’t care about that thing or that it isn’t good to bring it to him, but somehow the desperation becomes trust when our longings are embraced by his infinite longing for us.

I believe that God wants to encourage us that whatever happens in our nation, his plan for the next month is that we would see his goodness break into our lives in extraordinary and unexpected ways.

So, as lockdown looms again, “Wait for the Lord. Be strong, take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27