Invited in

Invited in

My favourite bit of writing the Promise of Blessing book was discovering this mind-blowing truth:
- The Father loves us as much as he loves the Son - forever. (John 17:23)
- The Son loves us as much as the Father loves him - forever (John 15.()
- The Holy Spirit enables us to know it. “God has poured out his love into our hearts through his Holy Spirit whom he has freely given us (Romans 5:5).

Not a drizzle but poured lavishly.

Not just an idea to discuss but deep into our hearts.

Not earned but freely given.

Not a one-off but an endless stream of God’s presence.

We just have to ask. (Matthew 7:11)

The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are not an inpenetrable closed circle. Always God’s arms are open wide, reaching out to draw us into the love that is the Trinity. At a time when exclusive, push-others-down, shut-them-out racist attitudes mar our world, our God reaches out to embrace all; every tribe, language and people worship at the throne, equal on our knees. Instead of us trying to clamber up a hierarchy that pushes others down, our God shows us another way. Going low and lifting others up is God’s way. Drawing others in is God’s way.

God longs to pour this reaching-out, including-all love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Last week, we celebrated the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. If it passed you by, fear not. It’s not too late. God loves you, he longs for you to know it. Because he loves the world, he longs for you to share it. He won’t hold back if you ask him for an outpouring for His Spirit (Matthew 7:11)

If you want a wonderful reminder of this precious gift of the Spirit at Pentecost, then take a look at this amazing clip describing how my parents first discovered that God has so much more of himself to give us.

And I am certain that you won't regret spending ten minutes listening to Simon Ponsonby on the outrageous love of God - it's glorious!

May God bless you with an outpouring of his love into your heart today!

Not a one-off but an endless stream of God’s outpouring love

Not a one-off but an endless stream of God’s outpouring love