Finished! Hurrah!

Living for Eternity - Knowing the God of Forever

It’s finished! As I write this, the printer’s ink is transforming blank pages into my new book and it will soon be winging its way into the shops. It is already available to pre-order from my publisher at

I started writing “Living for Eternity” before I ever heard the word Covid and before Trevor died but God knew what was ahead and how much it would help me to think on eternity. As it says on the back cover, “Seismic cultural shifts. Catastrophic climate change. Another pandemic. Life is fragile and we feel it deeply. We desperately need to set our eyes on the eternal life we were made for.”

I want to thank you for your part in it because without the Gift of Blessing Trust releasing me to write, the book would never have happened. I am hugely grateful for your support.

Here is a little taster for you -

“What a gift to discover that there is more to life! Buried in the bleak ground of Ecclesiastes is the brightest of jewels,

He has made everything beautiful in its time.

He has also set eternity in the human heart;

yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

God has set eternity in our hearts and we are designed to live with our eyes on the glorious future ahead. When we set our lives towards the eternal, we live differently – anticipation of the destination changes the journey! But we discover that living for eternity is not only about the future. Eternal life is found not in a place but in a person – in knowing the ever-present eternal God.”

An eternal perspective has the power to change how we live, how we love, how we risk and how we hope and for us, how we grieve.  For a tiny glimpse of one aspect of that, here are some of my musings  from a walk in the park last week  

May you know that you are held in eternity by the everlasting love of God for you.