Joy ahead

There are days you want to bottle so that you could keep it and savour a drop every day. Last Friday was that kind of day. Ben and Verity got married and her smile lit up the church.


All week, I have been thinking how extraordinary it is that God tells us that weddings are a window into heaven. We can’t get our little heads around what eternal joy could be like but it turns out, it is like a wedding, bubbling over with joy, which must be why weddings and champagne go together.


Watching Ben’s face as Verity walked down the aisle is a glimpse of how Christ loves his church and her dancing is a glimpse of the celebration that awaits us. Just as we caught their joy, the joy will overflow.


Not every day is a wedding day. Some days you definitely don’t want to bottle and are glad to see behind you but how wonderful to be reminded that joy is where we are heading, love is our destination.


All shall be Amen and Alleluia.

We shall rest and we shall see.

We shall see and we shall know.

We shall know and we shall love.

We shall love and we shall praise.

Behold our end which is no end.

(Prayer by St Augustine of Hippo)