The heavens declare the glory of God! (Psalm 19.1)
But am I listening?
Head-down, agenda-packed, when will I stop to hear what the heavens declare? When will I stop, as King David did, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord, to see his glory, his revealed presence?
Ah, but what about all the agony in this world? What about 20,000 lives swept away by corruption in Libya? What about a world striding selfishly into climate chaos? What about our little grazes, our sore bruises and our deep wounds? What about the tears that must be wept and the justice that must be fought for?
Moses asked to see the glory of God and in reply, God showed Moses his goodness. God’s glory and his goodness are inextricable.
Again, God calls us to lift our heads - to gaze on Christ, crucified for love. Here is strange beauty. John’s gospel tells us that the Son of God was glorified on the Cross. Here, God in Christ reveals the love that lights up his glory. Here, we see a model of a given-away life given away for the glory of God to display the goodness of God.
I hear the heavens declaring the glory of God in a fiery sunset when I lie on my hammock on a summer’s night gazing at a sky ablaze with stars but oh, how brightly God’s glory shines when I gaze on Christ on the Cross – God given for us.
“God, who said, “Light shall shine out of darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ”. 2 Corinthians 4:6
I deeply believe that at this time, more than ever, God is calling us to gaze on the face of Christ, and like him, to give away our lives for the glory of God.
Gift of Blessing Trust is hosting an Encounter with God morning at St.John’s Hampton Wick on November 4 entitled “Glory”! You can sign up for it here or via the QR code.
May you know the glorious face of Jesus shining on you with great love today.