Set the Satnav

Set the Satnav

Years ago, I was speaking at a meeting in rural Sussex and put the wrong postcode in our satnav. It turns out that one wrong digit is a lot of miles! My dad, who is deeply suspicious of satnavs, was vindicated.

What’s the address in your satnav? What’s the main thing in your life?

Someone asked Jesus this question and he replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and love your neighbour as yourself”. Matthew 22:37-39

Why is that the main thing? Because it’s the best thing. It’s costly but it’s how we thrive because it’s what we were made for. Set the satnav with anything else and you end up lost.

What a gift to us when love becomes the core of our identity. What a gift to me. Tears may fall for a while yet but wonderfully, love not grief is to be the dominant theme of my life.  

Best of all, we don’t have to plunder our meagre resources to keep this command. It truly is a gift because the love ultimately comes not from us, but from God,

“We love because he first loved us”  (1 John 4:19)

Could you take some time to wonder over the truth that God loved you first, even before the universe was formed? Whatever you are facing, he will love you through the end of it and forever. So take some time to be loved by God?

Don’t let’s miss the main thing.