Kate Patterson4 Comments

Set your sails

Kate Patterson4 Comments
Set your sails

Imagine a sail that thought it was an engine and told the wind, “I don’t need you!”

That’s us when we attempt to live life in our own strength.

But who wants to admit weakness whether it comes from illness or ageing or grief or stress or failure? Why did the apostle Paul boast in his weaknesses?

In our age of image management when we gloss over the cracks, it’s comes as a surprise that God chooses the weak, those humble enough to admit their need. The story of every great biblical hero is “weakness turned to strength” (Hebrews 11:24)

Our holiday (which was special time with family and friends) finished on Saturday and on Monday morning, I was another sardine, packed so tight into my train that my nose was in a stranger’s armpit watching another baleful Brexit headline being unfurled by lucky passengers on seats. Re-entry is hard, especially when grief rises up and I can feel woefully inadequate as I look ahead.

But when I was away, watching sailing boats on silver water, God spoke these words for me to hold onto,

My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”  (2 Corinthians 12:7-10.)

As we look at our troubled country and all we face, including the great mission before us, God calls us to set our sails to catch the mighty wind of His Spirit.

God is the strength of my heart. (Psalm 73:26)