Kate Patterson2 Comments


Kate Patterson2 Comments

I love this picture of my parents-in-law who are now in glory. There is such tenderness as they hold hands.

How amazing that we can say to God,

“I am always with you, you hold me by your right hand, you guide me with your counsel and afterwards you will take me into glory.” Psalm 73:23

God promises to take us by the hand and lead us through this life and into the next - into glory.

I shared on this verse at our Living for Eternity service. If you missed, it, you can watch here. What confidence is ours! We can say to God,

“I am with you ALWAYS.” As we approach Christmas and think of that baby boy called Immanuel, we remember that means that God with us, right now. And always.

“You hold me by your right hand.” Even though I go to the depths, your right hand still holds me (Psalm 139). Even if I ascend the heights and I am scared of stumbling as I climb, you will keep me secure.

I find it changes my days when I begin them by consciously taking the hand of God. It is deeply comforting and yet often challenging as he leads us to follow him all the way via the Cross to glory.

In the words of George Herbert, “I am but finite but yours infinitely” - held by the right hand of God.
