Kate PattersonComment


Kate PattersonComment

Don’t let your hearts be troubled


If I’m honest, I have had times in the last weeks when my heart has been troubled. Sadly, it wasn’t in a godly provoke-you-into-action kind of way, like when Jesus was upset by the corruption in the temple and turned the tables. It was rumbling anxiety. There is after all, plenty of material to trouble our hearts – if it isn’t concern about those we love, then we just need to turn on the news.   


But Jesus says, “Don’t let your hearts be troubled”. It appears we have a choice in the matter. We can allow our hearts to be troubled – or we can trust in the midst of trouble.


The more I muse over those words, the more I’m deeply challenged that the way of trust is the only way. This is the way that the great saints have walked in the midst of personal grief and political turbulence that matches anything we face. I read these words from John today alongside the story of Stephen being stoned to death, his face shining with the glory of God, falling to the ground with words of forgiveness on his lips – in the midst of the worst of trouble yet trusting God.


As I read Stephen’s story, one verse leapt out for me. We are told that Stephen saw that heaven open. It was a vision given to him by God but it spoke to me of this great truth - heaven is now open!  Jesus has opened heaven for us.


In that open heaven, Stephen saw Jesus at the right hand of the Father. His vision helps us see that too and when we know that Jesus is interceding for us at the Father’s right hand, anxiety flees.


Jesus says, “Don’t let your hearts be troubled!” Such wonderful words from our Saviour - could you take a moment to hear Jesus says them to you? 


As I hear Jesus speak them to me, there is no harsh rebuke for when I have failed to trust but instead, I hear great compassion. Jesus does not want our hearts to be troubled because he loves us. Like Stephen, we can know that heaven is open and our Jesus reigns and so our hearts can rest secure. The one who leads us by still waters is near.


Jesus says,

“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God. Believe also in me.”  (John 14:1)