Kate PattersonComment

Never Alone

Kate PattersonComment
Never Alone

Surrounding the young lion, twenty hyenas circled, snapping, growling, laughing. He could easily have dealt with one with a swipe of his paw but not the whole pack. They were too quick; if he snarled and lunged at one, another was behind, nipping at his flanks. He began to tire. It could have been fatal. Alone, he couldn't fight them all.

Then in the distance, the big African sun lit up the silhouette of a rescuer. From far off, his cousin had heard his distress and within seconds, the ugly pack had dispersed.

I haven't been able to forget this gripping scene from BBC's Dynasties- you can still find it online if you missed it.

I know I couldn't have done the last months alone. I'd have cracked. I am so thankful that God's plan never entails a solitary path. Instead it demands the costs of community - willingness to be vulnerable, quickness to say sorry and the repeated choice to forgive. Satan would isolate us, surrounding us with hyenas of rejection and inadequacy, snapping, niggling offences. Our God could not be more different - our God, the Living God, fights for us through each other and sends us out to be part of his rescue plan.

I could have posted a picture of the snapping hyenas but I loved this photo - a vivid picture of the love of God.

I am praying that as you read this, you and I would know and share that fiercely protective, yet gently tender love.