Cheering you on

It has meant a huge amount to us that these amazing friends ran in the Shakespeare Marathon for the charities that Trevor helped get going. They wrote on their giving page, “Trevor inspired many people to run, to care, to love and to look out for those less fortunate than ourselves and we were all inspired by him to run this event in his honour. He finally managed to get us to do one!”

Last Sunday, four marathon runners told me that it was Trev’s voice ringing in their ears, cheering them on, that helped them get round the course. 

I wonder what voice rings in your ears as you run life’s marathon? If it isn’t full of hope and love and encouragement, then it’s not God. Not to say that God doesn’t sometimes challenge and even discipline us but it’s always with tender loving-kindness because that’s who he is.

Before Jesus died, he left his disciples with these words for the race that was ahead,

“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me.” John 14.1

Then he said it again, in case they missed it the first time.

“Don’t let your hearts be troubled and don’t be afraid.” John 14:27

We used to tease Trev for repeating himself - I am glad he did now because it helps us remember him. And I’m grateful that Jesus did. I ‘ve needed these words ringing in my ears as I continue on this grief marathon with moments where I think I am doing well and moments where I hit a wall.

“Don’t let your hearts be troubled - trust and don’t be scared.”

Today may we hear his voice above all others, the voice of the one who is for us, cheering us on.