Joy wins

Joy wins

As we approach Easter it’s easy to forget that the first disciples didn’t know that the story ends in joy. So, on their last supper together, Jesus promised, “your grief will turn to joy.”

I’ve had a tough week with a sore shoulder and too many friends struggling in too many ways with illness, anxiety, financial troubles and isolation. It has helps hugely to remember that all our grief will turn to joy. Just as dull woody branches are bursting into spring life, all will be made new.

What encouragement that Jesus says to his disciples on the brink of seeing their world fall apart,

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

In the face of trouble, Jesus gives peace with the promise of joy ahead. Resurrection is just around the corner, unexpected but definitely coming.

If you are struggling to find peace, take a moment to watch the wonderful clip on Overcoming Anxiety from Mary Kissell on our Wisdom of the Elders page.

Many around us are struggling to find peace. Praise God that our prayers are not in lockdown, even if we are. I know that many are finding that the blessing that I love so dearly in Numbers 6 is giving them the words that they lack as they pray. This is a beautiful sung version of it called The Blessing by Cody Carnes that you can turn into a prayer for those you love, for our nation and for our world

Spring is here. Jesus is risen and grief will turn to joy!

